Friday, March 2, 2012

Oh The Villiany of it!

Seymour Clay, the
head lab tech at Gossamer Industries pulled his glasses down and stared over
them at the clock high on the opposite wall.
Then he straightened up from his row of tiny square glass bottles and
glanced toward the double metal doors.
He couldn’t see anything through the thick glass windows yet, but he
knew he didn’t have much time before Mr. Dabney would be here. He wiped his palms on his crisp white lab
coat and plucked a bottle from the row.
Seymour held it up to the light and examined it to make sure it was
clean and perfect. He walked over to a
glass container filled with a sparkling red liquid, positioned the neck of the
bottle under the tiny spigot on the side and turned the lever. The thick red liquid glugged and filled the
small bottle. Seymour fished around in a
bin next to the row of bottles and found a cap attached to a brush and dropped
it neatly onto the bottle. He tightened
the cap and shook the bottle to mix the contents before holding it to the light
“Mr. Dabney is
going to love this. So sparkly… this is
the best one yet.”
Seymour paused
with the bottle raised and listened.
Very faintly at first and then growing louder, he heard the sounds he
had been expecting. Kerchunk, shuffle, shuffle, kerchunk, shuffle, shuffle. He glanced around the lab to make sure
everything was neat and tidy and slid the bottle into his pocket just as the
metal lab doors flew open.
“Seymour. This had better be good. Not like the last 28 times.”
Kobe Irwin Dabney,
III stood a little lopsided as he leaned on his crutch and glared at
Seymour. The braces on his thin legs
clanked together as he shuffled further into the room, letting the door swing
shut behind him. Dabney shuffled forward
slowly, leaned heavily on the lab table and rasped wetly for a few moments
before fixing Seymour in a cold stare from under his bushy, white eyebrows.
“Show me.”
Dabney’s eyebrows
always unnerved Seymour. They seemed to
migrate across his forehead and Seymour often had to resist the urge to reach
out and soothe them. Dabney stared at
Seymour for a moment and then slowly ran one gnarled hand over his head,
smoothing the few wisps of white hair that stubbornly remained there. His mottled pale skin stretched tight over
his skull and every dark blue knotted vein could be seen under the paper thin
surface. Seymour focused on one vein
over Dabney’s right ear and watched it pulse at an alarming rate.
He gulped and
reached into his pocket for the bottle.
He fumbled it, almost caught it, but instead batted it against the edge
of the lab bench. It landed on the floor
and spun behind the back leg of the table.
One bushy eyebrow crawled up.
“Sorry, Mr.
Dabney…I’ll… I’ll get that.”
Seymour dropped to
his hands and knees and crawled under the table to retrieve the bottle. Over his head, he could hear Mr. Dabney’s
tapping his long nails on the metal tabletop, keeping time with his raspy
“Whenever you’re
ready… Seymour.”
“Yes, sir, Mr.
Dabney. I’ve got it,” sputtered Seymour
as he back out from under the table. He
stood and carefully held the bottle up for inspection.
Dabney tilted his
head to one side and squinted at the small container. Seymour suppressed the shiver that ran down
his spine. He hated when Dabney
squinted. It made his eyes look like
dark pink daisies and it gave Seymour a serious case of the creeps.
Satisfied, Dabney
held out one long finger. Seymour gave
the bottle a final shake and then uncapped it.
He carefully spread the sparkling liquid over Dabney’s extended nail, recapped
the bottle and held his breath.
Dabney blew on his
fingertips and flapped his hand a few times before turning his finger back and
forth to catch the light. The iridescent
sparkles suspended in the liquid flashed and twinkled in the lab lights. After a few moments, Dabney smiled, turned to
Seymour and pointed right between his eyes, nearly poking him with his wet
nail. The smell of freshly applied nail
polish filled Seymour’s nostrils and made his eyes water.
“Not. Sparkly.
Enough. Seymour.”

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